Nov 24, 2008

French Macarons - First Attempt

French Macarons
Finally! I gathered all my courage, and gave these beautiful French macarons a try! I wanted to make them for so long, they are so pretty, and I always wondered what it would be like to bite into one.

Even though I don’t think I was quite successful, they are amazing!
I never tried them before, so I have no idea how good mine are, but I believe they should have been more “cake-like” soft. The taste is great, I like it!

For the crispiness I think weather had something to do with it. Also, I think I have beaten them at the end a little bit more than needed, and finally, maybe even baked them a minute or two too long because I was scared to take them out too soon. In any event I am so making them again, and hopefully they will turn out a bit more moist, and less crunchy. Recipe is truly wonderful, easy to follow, and they are pretty, and glossy! I filled them with chocolate butter cream from this recipe (cut ingredients in half).

I have followed a recipe for these macarons by Helen of Tartlette; she has published a Step-by-Step French Macaron tutorial in the second issue of Desserts Magazine. Thank you Helen! I absolutely love them, and can’t wait to experiment with other flavors, and colors!


Marija said...

They are perfect! I am afraid to make them also :)

Melita said...

Thank you Marija!
You should try!

Probaj, nije tesko, ali toliko toga moze poci naopako. Ukusni su, ali su moji ispali dosta hrskavi...
Bice bolje drugi put!

Finla said...

Wow for a first time maker of macroons they just look superb and perfect.
I too have never tried to make them at home as i always heard threy were difficult to make.

My Sweet & Saucy said...

Looks like you do a perfect job on your first try...amazing!

Sweet Treats by Dani said...

i have had that recipe bookmarked for months and am way too nervous to make them.... they may have to be a New Year's Resolution: bake them or be banished LOL

Helene said...

Are you kidding?!!! They are PERFECT!!! I jumped out of my seat when I saw them!! They are 2 schools of liking for a macaron: either soft and moist for the shells or cripsy. I like to start with crispy because the buttercream soften them up in the end. Either way works!

JA U KUHINJI... said...

joj i ja bas skupljam hrabrost za ove keksice... i trazim dobar tj. detaljan recept... sa svim upozorenjima sta moze krenuti naopako... pa da se upustim u pravljenje...
tebi su ispali predivno :)

Melita said...

Thank you for your wonderful comments, ladies!

Helen, I'm so glad you like them, and now I know they were a success, I though they had to be moist... I'm in love with macarons!
Endless possibilities...

Anonymous said...

Wow, these macarons are just gorgeous, wonderful job you did there! Can't believe it's your first time! I made them only once, they turned out pretty well, but my house burnt down the same evening... Afraid to try them again ever since :)

Melita said...

So sorry to hear about your house, miri! How horrible!

Don't give up on macarons; I put all my energy to it, and I did it this morning when I was home alone; kids in school, husband at work, no distractions, just peace and quiet... Good luck!

Snjezana said...

they look perfect to me!:))))well done medena!!!:)))
I never tried them at home and after seeing yours I might give them a go...
macaroons are beautiful petit fours. I love their little round shape and their texture, crisp from the outside and smooth and soft in the middle...

Anonymous said...

Those look great!!

Anonymous said...

i've never made them - call me a wuss, but i don't dare give em a try! however, i can't believe this was your first attempt. they're gorgeous and just perfect. x

Melita said...

More thanks!
Yes, first attempt! They are pretty, a little crunchy, but I guess that is OK...

Monika said...

wow...savršeni su! svaka čast...ja se još nisam upustila u avantru iako me stalno mame :)

Anonymous said...

Your macarons look picture perfect. You shouldn't complain:) You did an amazing job!!!

nlo said...

Fantastično su ti ispali i to još za prvi put:)))

chriesi said...

Wow! Amazing job!

Anonymous said...

they looks so delicious.sad to say i don't have the gift to cook..but still keep on posting..,

Eileen said...

What a fantastic job! I am impressed. Like many of the other commenters I have never made Macarons. You have inspired me to try!

Andrea said...

Prekarasni su! Zbilja si me oduševila i izvedbom i prekrasnom fotografijom. :)

Nic said...

Wow! Your first attempt? Brilliant!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely brilliant for a first attempt!

roxana said...

I tried making them twice following a different recipe, and both times they came out good and nice, but they didn't have that signature foot. You inspired me to try them again, yours are just perfect. Now i just have to find the peace and quiet to make them, as i think those were my missing ingredients before.

Karolina said...

So I searched and searched for macarons online. Ordered one of each and they were either dry with too much flour or good, but the shipping was $50 to get them to me. Yikes. What to do...start my own macaron store. I can eat them whenever I want and now I share them.