Nov 18, 2008

Gingery, Garlicky, Potato Chicken Dish

This was my favorite dinner served by my friend, who moved back to China, and I miss her, and her beautiful little girl so very much.
The dish has a very strong garlic, and ginger flavor that I just can’t get enough of. Certainly not something you want to make for a romantic evening, but definitely something you want to unleash your hunger on!
Thank you Jing for sharing the recipe with me! Hope to see you soon!

Gingery, Garlicky, Potato Chicken Dish

You’ll need:
1 lb boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into bite size pieces
2 lb potatoes, cut into cubes
Ginger, about 1-2 oz, diced
7-8 garlic cloves, diced
Dash of sugar
Salt to taste
2-3 Tbs soy sauce
Black pepper

Heat some oil in the pan, when it gets hot, put chicken in, and stir a little bit, then add ginger and 2 garlic cloves. Add a tablespoon of soy sauce, stir for few minutes, and then add potatoes, the rest of garlic, another tablespoon of soy sauce, a dash of sugar, black pepper to taste, and then add about 4 oz of water. Stir, reduce to medium heat, cover, and let cook for about 10 minutes.

Later add salt, and more water as necessary, and stir occasionally. Cook until potatoes are cooked. In the end you don’t want it to be like a stew, but rather for water to dehydrate, and potatoes very soft, and falling apart. Serve with rice. Yum!

This is my entry for the blog event, “ajme, koliko nas je” created by Monsoon, and hosted this month by Andrea.
Napravicu I link sa prevodom : )


nlo said...

Medena drago mi je da si nam se pridružila:))
Blog ti je prekrasan:))

Andrea said...

Jako mi je drago da si nam se pridružila u ovom kulinarskom druženju i hvala ti na odličnom receptu i mrak fotkama.
P.S. Ja se isto ne mogu zasititi češnjaka i đumbira. :)

Melita said...

Hvala cure! Veselim se buducim izazovima! :)

Anonymous said...

This looks really good! I have been looking for a recipe for this, I might have to give it a try.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

I was intrigued when I read gingery. You hooked me the moment I read garlicky and you sealed the deal with potato chicken. LOL! In other words YUM!

Hope you get to visit with your friend soon!

Anonymous said...

ginger and garlic are such a combo and very comforting as well. i like the potatoes in this cause that just makes it comfort food :) nice one. x

Marija said...


Drago mi je sto si se pridruzila igrici!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

That dish looks really svrumptious and fragrant! A wonderful combo!



Eileen said...

Just looking over the ingredients, I know my daughter would love this. Will have to make it for her.