Nov 19, 2008

Moist Yogurt Cake With Tart Cherries

Moist Yogurt Cake With Tart Cherries My kitchen is infused with the aromas of vanilla, and fresh baked home goodness. Can’t wait for my kids to come home from school; this is a great after school bite! You have no excuse not to make this, it is rather simple, and it’s not time consuming. You’ll have it ready to serve within an hour, that is if you can’t wait for it to cool down. I should add that it is even better when completely cooled, and stored in a plastic bag, yummy!

Moist yogurt cake with tart cherries

You’ll need:
3 eggs
1 cup of plain yogurt
3 cups of all purpose flour
1 ¾ cups sugar
½ cup oil
2 Tsp baking powder
2 Tsp vanilla sugar
About 2 cups of tart cherries( no more, or everything will collapse, and will not bake evenly),I use the frozen ones (thawed, of course).

Get ready beforehand. Measure all ingredients in separate bowls, and have a baking dish ready; I use 9x13 inch square one. Preheat oven to 395 F.
Add baking powder to flour, and mix well, this will assure that it is evenly incorporated.
Place cherries in their own bowl, and add about 2 Tbsp of flour, and shake them, so they get coated with flour, this is very important.

Now, with a hand mixer, mix eggs, sugar, and vanilla sugar. Then add yogurt, and oil, and mix well. Gradually add flour mixed with baking powder, and again, mix well. Now you have the base; nice, medium thick, kind of like muffin batter. Add the cherries, and fold them in gently, and as evenly as you can, don’t overdo it. Transfer to a baking dish, and gently even it out. Bake for about 30-40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, and it‘s nice and golden in color. Dust with powdered sugar.

Tip: I have never tried, but I am sure this cake can also be made in form of muffins, only I would think in that case, you would add cherries individually into each mold, but also coated in flour.

Here is another fruity goodness you might be interested in, from my dear foodie over at Palachinka blog.


Serena@TentarNonNuoce said...


Anonymous said...

i'm definitely making this once i get some yoghurt from the shops! x

My Sweet & Saucy said...

This looks quite delicious! Love it!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful looking cake! I am glad to hear I can use frozen cherries.

Shelby said...

It is so pretty and looks so delicious!

Antonio Tahhan said...

yum! I'm a huge fan of Turkish tatlisi, which is also a yogurt-based cake, so I'm sure I'd love this one, too! I can't wait to give it a try :)

cosmo2503 said...

Vječiti i uvijek odličan kolač od jogurta. Ispao ti je odlično i ufotkan je da mami.

RecipeGirl said...

Gorgeous!! Just gorgeous. Much too pretty to eat :)

Debbie said...

I love cakes with fruit. It looks delicious.

Cherie said...

This looks sooooo good. i love sour cheries. Unfortunately I can't find them here in Toronto. Where do you buy yours? Are they as good as the fresh ones?

Melita said...

Hi Cherie!
I bought mine at a local Meijer's store, and they are from MI, so I don't know if they are available at other locations. The package says Friske Orchards, Montmorency Red Tart Cherries, sugar free. They are awesome! When you thaw them, they are very much like fresh picked, and not squishy. Love them, hope you'll find them, or some that are this good...

Ingrid_3Bs said...

That looks so moist and delicious. I'd love to come home to a big slice of that! I am printing this out and trying it pronto!

Marija said...

This is one of my favorite cakes!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, this looks divine! One of my definite favorites - since childhood and up until now.

Monika said...

kolač izgleda predobro...jako volim biskvite s jogurtom i dodatkom voć ti je divan... :)

nlo said...

Joj kako jedan "sasvim običan" kolač izgleda savršeno:)))
Nego ja sam nestrpljiva kako su ti ćevapčići ispali?:-))

taste memory said...

pretty new photos of you....awesine looking cake + can already taste those cherries just by looking!

nice to see you posting again ;-)


super bir sayfa sevgiler

Maja said...


Dragana Arezina Harris said...

I am a huge fan of yoghurt or buttermilk in cakes. I find that they makes my cakes very moist and light. Also,I have a friend who is crazy about cranberries. I'm going to try this recipe substituting cranberries for the sour cherries. Should be a great combination,

Melita said...

Thank you all!
Dragana - cranberries would be a great substitute! Most berries would work! I'm sure your friend will like this cake!

Nic said...

Mmmm... that smells as fabulous as it looks!!!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous looking cake! I love cakes with yogurt in it - they are always so tender so moist. Love yours! A must try!!!! Thanks for sharing.

roxana said...

I love tart/sour cherries and i have some in my freezer. Too bad the lent just started for us, but i think i'll make it in the next couple of weeks, i don't think i can resist the temptation. That slice looks so moist...

Unknown said...

I've just tried it with damsons instead of cherries and it's lovely.
Thanks for this recipe

Anonymous said...

Isproban i odlican!

TraverseCityDana said...

Thank you for the recipe. I will make this real soon. I am in the Cherry Capital after all. I can't wait to try this one. Thanks again.

gigi said...

Melita, i love this cake but where can i find these cherries?

Jela said...

kad kazes "plain yogurt" da li mislis na nas obicni jogurt ili na nesto drugo? ja ih pravila sa mileramom i odlicni su..hvala za recept!!

Jenny said...

I love this cake! I received the recipe for this cake from a friend. It did not quite turn out as well as I would have liked. Today I tried your recipe, and it was a SUCCESS! I’m so thankful for all these great recipes that feel like they are all from my culture, Romanian.

pifla said...

THANK you for this so-easy cake! I lived in Croatia during my teens and remembered this yoghurt cake as one of the easiest and scrumptious muffin type cakes ever, today my kids (ages 7 and 3 ) did everything by themselves and it turned out great. I had been looking around for the recipe for ages, seeing that my grandmother had passed away and I had forgotten- hvala ti da si mi
opet povratila djetinstvo! I think I'll try your Krempite next to reminisce! By the way, where to find the cherries- if anyone has a Trader Joe's around, they're great, plus if you have a Top Valu around- they have the real german ones.(Cak sam vidjela i napolitanke nase!) Try also the black forest gateau with these!
Good cheer and SUPER blog!