Nov 16, 2008

Vanilla slice - Krempita

Vanilla slice - Krempita

2 sheets of puff pastry
1,5 l / 6 1/3 cups milk
150 g / 5 ¼ oz corn starch
3 packets (9g each) vanilla sugar
8 egg yolks
200 g / 7 oz sugar
8 oz whipping cream + 1 stabilizer

Let the puff pastry sheets thaw, the roll them out on a lightly floured surface, and bake according to directions on a jelly roll pan. Let them cool, and then cut out the shape according to the size of the square pan you will use. I used 9 inch x 13 inch. Once you cut them to the shape of the pan, cut one sheet into squares (I made 12); that will be the top of the cake.

Cream: Mix egg yolks with sugar, until frothy. Add a cup of milk (out of the 6 1/3 cups), and corn starch, and mix well. Set the reminder of milk with vanilla sugar added, to boil, and when it comes to a boil, slowly mix in the yolk mixture, and stir constantly for a minute. Transfer to a large mixing bowl, and let cool completely. When cooled, add the whipped whipping cream, whipped with a stabilizer.

Now put the whole sheet on the bottom of the pan, and spread the filling over it. Arrange the cut out sheet on top. Refrigerate for few hours before serving. Dust with powdered sugar.
Instead of the top sheet of puff pastry, you can put whipped cream, and so on. Suit yourself, and enjoy : )


Marija said...

Divno je ispalo! Obožavam krempite!

RecipeGirl said...

Oh my Lord I have this one bookmarked already. I'm a complete vanilla fanatic. This is great. I wish for a piece right this very moment!!!

Chocolate Shavings said...

Wow. That cake looks amazing!

dlyn said...

That looks so good!

Altaf said...

looks delicious..yummy!

Shelby said...

This looks really delicious - and so simple!

Anonymous said...

Hej, sline su mi počele curiti kada sam vidio fotku uz tvoj recept za kremšnite! Nisam ih jeo godinama! Pozdrav sa sjevera Engleske! xxx

Dragana Arezina Harris said...

Neverovatno! Ja se divim kako je lepa isapala vasa kermpita.
This is the best vanilla dessert ever. Thanks for bringing back memories of my Baba's krempita. I have never made it myself, so thank you for the recipe. I'm going to try it this weekend.

Melita said...

Thank you all for your wonderuful comments!

Dragana, sigurno ce ti ispasti. Ako kupis "puff pastry", ona kad se pece malo se napuse najgornji sloj/listic, ti ga samo pritisni kad se ohladi, da bi bilo ravno. Krema je fenomenalna, prave krempite!

Anonymous, pozdrav i tebi iz hladnog Michigan-a!

Eileen said...

I just love this! My girls ask for vanilla before chocolate. Thank you so much for linking my website. I'm doing the same with yours. You have a beautiful site!

JA U KUHINJI... said...

fenomenalno izgledaju...

Ingrid_3Bs said...

MMMM, that middle layer is calling my name. That looks so rich, smooth, and creamy!

test it comm said...

Those look good!

Anonymous said...

ohhh my! That's so delicious... it reminded me one of my favourite pastry - Miserable. It's the most simplest pastry I ever discovered yet so creamy and delicious. Thanks for the idea :-) that would be my pastry for tea time tomorrow!

Amalia said...

It looks very good!

Anonymous said...

Selam Medina....

Just made your wonderful desert!!! Samo sto mi je bio krem vodlikav malo. How do you get it to get stiff??? What is a stabilizer...???
Selam iz Canade

Melita said...

Anonymous - actually, I didn't use the stabilizer, but I recommend it. My cream was not too stiff either, I don't like it too stiff, then it's not creamy. Kind of in the middle, just right is better. Creamy, yet stiff enough to cut nicely.
Also, I don't over mix, because it tends to heat up, the more you mix. Try mixing a bit, then cool, then mix some more. Hope that helps :)

Stabilizer je dodatak slatkoj pavlaci da bi bio cvrst slag.
U malom je pakovanju, poput praska za pecivo, ima ga kupiti svugdje, mislim da na paketicu pise "whip it, whipping cream stabilizer", i jedan je dovoljan za 2,5 dcl slatke pavlake.

Bas mi je zao sto ti nije ispalo cvrsto. Trebalo bi. Mislim da se malo uvodni od mucenja sa mikserom, jer sto vise mutis, ono se pocne zagrijavati. Probaj da mutis malo, pa ostavi u frizider, pa opet dok se dobro ne umuti.
Ja npr. u ovom receptu nisam koristila stabilizer, i bilo je dobro. Ostavi krempite da se ohlade nekoliko sati, ili preko noci, i trebalo bi biti u redu; i ne zelis da budu isuvise cvrste, jer onda nisu kremaste, vec se sijeku, i budu neukusne.

Pozdrav, i vise srece drugi put!
Thank you! :)

Snježana Cetina said...

Predivne su!!!!!!

roxana said...

My grandma was making this when i was back in Romania, and now looking at your photos my mouth is watering... how did you slice them so perfect? I don't think my grandma's were so neat :(, but that didn't keep us away from fighting who will get to eat more.

Alina said...


Alexandra said...

Wow! This is fate! I have been madly craving this dessert. I had it several times when I travel to Zagreb about 10 years ago.
I can't wait to make it! Thanks for sharing!
Potica is the next one on my list...
Beautiful blog!

umuts said...

Thanks for sharing your hands health

W said...

I've been looking for a good recipe for this, I couldn't figure out what I could buy, in the US, to best duplicate the sheets.

Susan said...

Whitney, you can buy puff pastry sheets in the US. They are frozen and usually located near the frozen breakfast items (pastries and waffles).

My question is this... what is vanilla sugar? Any idea where I can buy it in the USA?

Lucy said...

Vanilla Sugar is sugar mixed with vanila flavor, you can substitute with some drops of vanilla. each envelope of vanilla sugar has about a spoon of sugar so ....

Chitown_Dee said...

SusanoftheBox - Vanilla sugar is a fine sugar (but not powdered or confectioners sugar) that has vanilla mixed in already. A company called Podravka makes it and it comes in a small sachet. Google "Podravka Vanilin Secer" and you should be able to find it. Alternatively, you could use castor sugar (which in the USA is like granulated sugar but it is finer - but not as fine as confectioners sugar) and add a table spoon of Vanilla Essence. The extra liquid from the Vanilla Essence is going to make a difference so if you need to add a small amount of the cornstarch or flour to compensate for that.

Tasa said...

Hi - what sort of stabilizer do you use (brand) and liquid or powder form? How much? Look forward to making this :)

Peg manly said...

What is stabilizer?

Unknown said...

In Holland we have this for Queensday The called "Tompoezen"
Very simulair

Unknown said...

We have simulair pastry in the Netherlands, its called : Tompoezen.Only the top pastry is covered with pink topping.

Anonymous said...

Vanilla sugar is, according to the Barefoot Contessa, sugar that has a vanilla bean stored in it. I'm curious about what she's calling a stablizer. said...

Hi! This looks great! What is a stableizer? said...

Hi! This looks great! What is a stableizer? said...

What is a stablizer?

Shelly said...

I believe a stabilizer is a thickening agent like Certo jellatin. Going to give it a shot.

Unknown said...

Love this cake! Just made it not too long ago. However, I made my own "puff pastry" from scratch. Puff pastry from the freezer is a little different than the original layers that are used for this.

Stabilize is sold as Whip It in the supermaket, I think it contains starch, can't remember the main ingredient. it makes the whipping cream stiffer.