It’s been a while that I got these awards, and I actually made a post for them, but it got lost in a hungry browser incident, so I postponed, and finally I am back to it!
These awards remind us of appreciation we get from our foodie friends, and we forward them in same fashion. Thank you Navita for the lovely Lemonade Award, and thank you conunpocodizucchero for the sweet One Lovely Blog Award!!! : )
I don’t know if I am braking the rules, but I would like to forward both awards to the following food bloggers, which caught my eye with their delicious creations, and also some of my favorites, which I visit often, may not be in English but so worth the translation. My dear nominees, you can chose to accept both, or just one award which you like!
Amalia, My Culinary World, Recepti Iz Moje Biljeznice, Sweet Sensation, La Dalmatia Gourmande, Pan y Varios, Maya’s World, The Chef and The Photographer, Delicious For Kids, Cuina Banateana, and Via Delle Rose.
Rules for the Lemonade award:
Add the logo to your blog
Link to the person who awarded you
Nominate and link to 10 other blogs
Leave a message to your nominees
These awards remind us of appreciation we get from our foodie friends, and we forward them in same fashion. Thank you Navita for the lovely Lemonade Award, and thank you conunpocodizucchero for the sweet One Lovely Blog Award!!! : )
I don’t know if I am braking the rules, but I would like to forward both awards to the following food bloggers, which caught my eye with their delicious creations, and also some of my favorites, which I visit often, may not be in English but so worth the translation. My dear nominees, you can chose to accept both, or just one award which you like!
Amalia, My Culinary World, Recepti Iz Moje Biljeznice, Sweet Sensation, La Dalmatia Gourmande, Pan y Varios, Maya’s World, The Chef and The Photographer, Delicious For Kids, Cuina Banateana, and Via Delle Rose.
Rules for the Lemonade award:
Add the logo to your blog
Link to the person who awarded you
Nominate and link to 10 other blogs
Leave a message to your nominees
Rules for the One Lovely Blog Award:
Add the logo to your blog
Link to the person who awarded you
Nominate and link to 7 other blogs
Leave a message to your nominees
Add the logo to your blog
Link to the person who awarded you
Nominate and link to 7 other blogs
Leave a message to your nominees
To all who may have already gotten the awards above, just take it as a nice though, and you don’t have to follow through : )
You´re so sweet and nice Melitta.
Many thanks for your kind nominations, I really appreciate it, moreover coming from such a wonderful cook like you...
I DO REALLY LOVE not only your brilliant ideas in the kitchen but also your special style as a photographer.
My best and kind regards from Spain.
Oh Adi, how sweet of you, but I can still learn so much from you!
thank you for this award. ne sono lusingata.
Magnifiche ricette le tue :)
Hvala draga! Počašćena sam i totalno iznenađena jer mi je to nešto novo. Moram priznati da sam tri puta pročitala ovaj post da bi shvatila o čemu se radi. Ti i palachinka ćete me natjerati da bolje naučim engleski. Sad ne znam kako da to sad prebacim na svoj blogić šmrc :(
MASATERA - poslala sam ti emajl! :)
Hvala na pomoći :)
Thanks so much for thinking of me!
Melitta thank you that you visited my blog and for your nomination !
Draga Medena,hvala ti od srca,jako si me iznenadila!!Nadam se da sam ih dobro preuzela!!1hvala jos jednom,a tebi takodje sve cestitke!
draga Melitta, hvala ti puno na ovim angradama! baš si me iznenadila...počašćena sam :)
hehe, divna je nasa Melitta! ja jos cuvam (i cuvacu je) diplomu koju sam dobila od nje prosle godine u februaru :-)))
Hvala Melitta, B
Speaking of awards...check out my post for Chocolate Chip Banana Bread, there is something there for you :)
Draga Medena!
Always read your blog with great interest and I admire your art of cooking & baking!
Speaking of awards.. congratulation!Pozdrav, Dimi :-)
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