Jun 11, 2010

No Bake Butter Biscuits Cake

This cake is always on demand in my house, and it’s not just simple to make, but it’s really good. You can make it in so many variations, and flavors. There is simply no excuse not make this one. I can bake all day, making the most extravagant cake ever, but I know it will not be swept clean off the platter as quickly as this one. Makes my life easy :)
To make it you’ll need:
about 2 lb (more or less) butter biscuits (rectangular butter cookies, crunchy, see here)
2 (1.7 oz each) chocolate pudding powder (not the instant one)
2 ½ cups milk, for pudding
6 tbsp of sugar
2 tbsp (or more if you like sweeter) powdered, confectioners sugar
2 sticks butter or margarine, unsalted, room temperature
Whipped cream
2 cups (or as needed) milk, warm, to soak the biscuits

* If you don’t have chocolate pudding powder, for this recipe you can substitute with 2.7 oz corn starch, and 2-3 tbsp of cocoa powder (depends how chocolaty you want it).
* The pudding will be quite stiff, esp. when cooled to room temperature, but with butter added, it will be a very nice filling.

Make pudding by mixing pudding powder, sugar, and about a cup of lukewarm milk in a smaller bowl. Set the rest of the milk (1 ½ cup) to boil, reduce heat, then add the pudding mix, mix constantly, and cook for about a minute. Let it cool to room temperature, stirring often, so the skin wouldn’t form on the top.
With a mixer, on medium speed, mix pudding mix, and butter (or margarine), both at room temperature, until blended nicely. Add powdered sugar to sweeten it more, if desired.

Line the square deeper dish, or square baking pan, (the smaller, but deeper dish will make for a taller cake) with foil or plastic wrap, and start arranging butter biscuits on the bottom, soaked in warm milk for about 5-10 seconds each, soak several at the time. Don’t over soak the biscuits or the cake will be too moist, and it won’t cut nicely. The biscuits will get moisture from the butter cream too.

Layer like that, one layer biscuits, one layer butter cream (about as thick as the biscuits), until all buttercream is used, and biscuits are on the top. Cover top with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for few hours at least. Remove plastic wrap from top, place square platter over it, and flip the cake onto it. Top with lots of whipping cream, and chill some more. Cut, serve, share, enjoy!
This simple dessert is my entry to Magic Bullet To Go Giveaway, for which you can find details @ Fun and Food Cafe. You could win a Magic Bullet Food processor, and it's really simple.
Thank you for the invite Mansi!
Open wide :)


Ambika said...

Wonderful! This is such a simple and elegant dessert.

Behar said...

Kada ti stavis sliku na Coolinariku, ja obavezno svaki put idem u potragu za receptom i pravim kolac. Nisam izdrzala juce, pa sam nakon posla trcala u trgovinu po kekse i napavila sinoc po nekim tamo drugim rceptima ali vodeci se tvojom slikom. Slike su ti fantasticne a reepti pouzdani :))

Melita said...

Hvala Behar! najobicnija keks torta sa kremom od pudinga, nema da promasi :) Svi je vole!

Momo said...

wonderful and delicious!welcome back!:))

Alanvla said...

Drago mi je da ste ponovo našli vremena za blog. Radujem se novim receptima. Već sam pravila Paganini i della nonu po vašoj preporuci. Odgovaraju mi vaše mjere i ukus za slatko. Veliki pozdrav!

Unknown said...

I love this dessert, we make this pretty often, it is so easy to make.
Delicious looking photo too.
have a great weekend.

Aaron John said...

YUM!! This looks really good and simple too!! :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent cake! I am so happy you posted this because I have heaps of pudding sachets and was looking for different ways to use them! What better way than in your beautiful cake. Thank you.

Melita said...

Thank you all for visiting, and for warm welcome! Glad you like this simple cake!

Tia said...

What are butter biscuits? What brand? Are they crunchy? Not sure where to get these in Canada. thx!

Melita said...

Hi Tia, I have posted a link within a recipe, they are butter cookies, very crunchy, hard even, in Europe known as Petit Beurre - little butter cookies.
You can find them at Italian food market, or similar stores. Cheers! :)

JA U KUHINJI... said...

Kao hipnotisana gledam slicice jer su savrsene... a kolac provereno dobar... Radujem se svakom tvom "pojavljivanju" ovde :)

Monica said...

Bellissima e buonissima sicuramente !Complimenti . La proverò ....

Joudie's Mood Food said...

Wow this looks so impressive and different. I cant wait to give this a go!

Snjezana said...

melita, hvala ti sto si me podjsetila na ovaj kolac. ja ga nisam jela, valjda, vec 15 godina. Napravila sam ga danas popodne i djeca su navalila da ga izrezemo iako je trebao prenociti pa bi se bolje rezao. Nisam nasla puding od cokolade u lokalnom milkbaru vec samo s okusom karamela pa sam rastopila i 100g cokolade u njemu. djeca su bila bas happy! slikala sam ga ovako na losem svjetlu jer je subota navecer kod nas i uvijek netko dode u posjetu pa rekoh bolje da ga slikam dok ga jos ima...:)

dining room tables said...

We also make this one but a different one. We add some mangoes in it. It was a pretty nice and easy dessert.

Mansi said...

I've made a similar version with coffee flavored buttercream, and it tastes great! Loved your photos, and the idea of soaking the biscuits:)

do send it in for the Magic Bullet recipe contest/giveaway hosted on my blog:)Your recipe could win you a Free Magic Bullet To Go!

Dragana Arezina Harris said...

I have seen this made with pumpkin pie filling during Thanksgiving. It was delicious as I'm sure you version is as well!

Tadeja said...

Slično i ja znam napraviti ljeti kad mi se ne da ništa peći. Fotke su ti fenomenalne, ali to znaš! :)

Monika said...

draga Melita, jako mi je drago da te ponovo mogu čitati i uživati u tvojim predivnim receptima i fotkama. ovi keksići izgledaju božanstveno. idem pogledati što si još fino pripremala u zadnje vrijeme :)

młynki w kuchni said...

Very nice!

Laura said...

Oh, how this reminds me of my childhood. My mother used to make something similar with biscuits, and Ive been looking for a recipe. Your blog is wonderful and so full of unique recipes.

Laura said...

This looks fantastic--kind of like Dobos, but in squares. I have made a kind of Tiramisu with these kind of cookies (tea biscuits soaked in coffee with a creamy vanilla filling).

Anonymous said...

My husband is from Croatia. This is the first cake his Mom taught me to make. It's his favorite. I love you website so much. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

hi melita! your instructions are not quite clear to me...you say to use 2 pudding mixes, but i am not sure if i am supposed to make each one separately...? and then combine the 2 puddings with the butter...? just want to clarify because your instructions say to have 2 1/2 cups of milk for the pudding but that only requires one pudding bag...would appreciate if you can clarify :) thanks!

Melita said...

2 pudding mixes on the amount of the milk in the recipe, not 2 separately. So in the instructions, it's 2x pudding mix. and 2 1/2 cups milk. Or if using substitute, 2x substitute and 2 1/2 cups milk. Hope this helps :)

Mavi said...

mmmmmmm delicious and easy

Unknown said...

I am confused by the reference to "no bake- graham cracker cake." Are these butter biscuits the same as graham crackers?

Unknown said...

Is the reference to "no bake graham cracker cake" to indicate that these butter biscuits are the same as graham crackers?

Melita said...

Hi Charlie. I am trying to figure out where is the reference to graham crackers or graham crackers cake.. In any event, no these are simple butter biscuits, there is a link in the recipe which shows you what kind of biscuits, maybe that will help. Also, I am sure graham crackers would do just fine too :)
Éclair cake with graham crackers is rather similar to this, so if you want to make it with graham crackers it would be just delicious! ;) Thank you!