There is no story with this one, it is simply delicious!!! Walnuts, chocolate buttercream, what else do you need? Just ask my neighbor. This one is for you my friend! :)
Walnut chocolate torte
(Adapted from
For the butter cream:
4 eggs
1 cup sugar
3 oz of baking chocolate
2 sticks, plus 2tbs of unsalted butter, or margarine (250 g)
juice of one lemon
Mix eggs and sugar until creamy, and sugar has dissolved. Cook in a pot over another pot with boiling water in it, or double boiler. Mix constantly, and cook until it starts thickening; add chocolate, and mix well. Transfer to a mixing bowl, and let it cool down completely. Then add butter (or margarine), juice of one lemon, and mix to get silky, nice buttercream.
For the cake:
6 eggs
1 cup sugar
2 Tbsp plain bread crumbs
250 g (3 cups ground walnuts)
Preheat oven to 390 F. In one bowl mix egg whites until stiff. In a separate bowl mix egg yolks with sugar for few minutes, until creamy. Add ground walnuts, and bread crumbs. It will be quite dry, then fold in egg whites. Mix until all is blended nicely, but don’t over mix.
Bake in preheated oven for about 40 minutes.
Let it cool, and then cut into two and sprinkle with a little milk, just couple of tablespoons each.
Now fill the cake layers with buttercream inside, and spread all around the outside. Sprinkle generously with ground walnuts, and decorate if you wish. Enjoy!
What a beautiful torte Medena! I wish I could taste some
I wish that too; would love to have you over... it is yummy! :)
o medena what a fantastic cake. i really love cakes with nuts. walnuts and choc definitely go together
What a beautiful torte!
Oh my, I love this. What a great dessert to have with a lovely coffee.
It looks like yours turned out much better than mine. I made a similar recipe recently and thought it was just ok. I'm sad when that happens... all that work and just 'ok!"
Another one of yours I want to make! Sounds and looks yummy! I will bookmark this one for a special occasion! Thanks Medena!
All these recipes from other bloggers are going to make me look like such an expert baker/cook to my friends and family! LOL
Lovely - big fan of walnuts and chocolate - great recipe. Will be trying!
Medena, this is one of my favorite torts! I haven never made it but ate it a lot back in Baku. I didn't have the recipe for it, and thanks to you I have it now! This is one yummy cake! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!! Thank you for posting it!
Oh.... This one is to die for! Darn, I wish I didn't have such a sweet-tooth - it's impossible to stick to any diet. This one definitely puts my diet off for another week (yay!).
xoxox Amy
And welcome to DBs! I can't wait to see you complete challenges! :))
Medena, the torte says it all, you dont need to write :)
its simply irresistible.
Thank you all! Glad you like it; it's definitely one of our favorite sweets!
Marija- Thanks! I can't wait for my first DB challenge either :)
Very nutty & very beautiful too Medena. This is just out of this's like waking up to my dream torte! WOW! Exquisitely presented too!
Very nutty, very chocolatey and VERY delicious!
I am a dedicated fan ~ beautiful and the buttuercream looks yuommy!!
Mmmm, this cake reminds me of the type of Bosnian cakes my mom makes, they are always sooooo good! But she never uses a recipe and doesn't know how much of anything she puts in there, so I'm happy I can get this from you in stead. :)
I love walnuts but rarely get to use them in my baking since everyone else here is so finnicky about them. I LOVE the sound of this -- all those ground walnuts in that choco buttah-cream...Oh, my.
I just discovered your blog. This looks beautiful. But what size pan do you use for the nut layers?
Hi anonymous, and thank you :)
For this cake I used 9" round spring form pan.
thanks! I realized I have another question. Are the bread crumbs are the dried ones that come in cannisters in the supermarket or homemade bread crumbs (and if homemade, do I dry them in the oven first or just use stale and should they be white or whole wheat or what?) thanks in advance.
Hi again! Yes, it's store bought plain breadcrumbs... Sorry for late reply :)
It looks fantastic!
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