It was a rainy day today, and luckily I made this cake last night, it can cheer the rainiest day! It is not so hard to make, and is worth every minute spent. One bite will make you feel so proud, it feels like you just got served at a fancy restaurant. Check out Marija’s blog, Palachinka, for recipe, and many more great recipes! She has also done this recipe as part of investigating of another great blog, Gaga's blog Iz moje kuhinje.
There is no guilty feeling, and hitting the treadmill later, I was too busy enjoying it to think about what it will do to my waistline. I just kept going back to the fridge to get just another “thin” slice : )
Love the crunch part, with praline, and toasted nuts, it gives such a character to the cake.
I have followed the recipe step by step, except I used whipping cream, because I had no powdered one. I guess that next time I will double the amount of whipping cream to get more of the crunchy filling, for this time I used ½ pint. Also, instead of my beloved hazelnuts, I have used a mixture of walnuts, and almonds.
Can’t say enough about it, my results were great, the recipe is easy, will definitely make this cake again!
What a delicious investigation, as part of February edition of a food blog event, FBI Rukavice, created by Maja of Cooks and Bakes in which we try out recipes from a chosen blog, and for this month we are investigating Palachinka. There is also an English version of the game available for all food bloggers, FBI Gloves.
Melita, this cake is on my to make list:) I loved it when I saw it on Marija's blog. Now I love it even more. Looks so delicious. You two are my baking heroes.
Saw your photo on tastespotting and had to read more about it. Beautiful picture.
Thank you Farida, and Michelle! :)
It is so delicious!
sječam je se još sa Marijinog bloga i tamo a i ovdje mi je voda procurila na usta zaita prekrasna torta:))
Oh your cake is beautiful! And looks so delicious...I'm loving the crunch! Wish I had a piece...
first time here! found you on foodgawker!
What a fantastic looking torte! Wow, I mean, it is truly gorgeous. And aside from looking pretty, it looks like it taste delicious. Can't wait to try this recipe.
Prevazilazis samu sebe svakom sledecom slikom. Jeste to samo jedno parce torte na tacni, ali slika ima toliku jaku atmosferu da sam ocarana. Slika/torta je nekako cvrsta, stabilna, gorda, hmm... ponosna :) Predivno.
Nateracete me da probam i ja ovu torticu :)
prekrasna je! :)
Torta izgleda apsolutno božanstveno! :)
Nemam reci za ovu lepotu!
Thank you all! Hvala svima! :)
mamajac - Kakve divne rijeci! Sad tek kuzim da pojma nemam o dobroj fotografiji, a to mi se cesto desilo, da se ljudima mnogo svidjaju neke slike za koje sam ja mislila da i nisu bas neke :)
Zamalo da sve ove pobrisem, i slikam ponovo---najozbiljnije! :)
Melitta, Melitta, kako dobro radis sve cega se dohvatis! B
Thank you Bisa! :)))
Savršeno izgleda :))
Wow...this is gorgeous. Love the layers!
Torta ti je tako dobro ispala da sam se na trenutak upitala jel to isti recept :) Stvarno si pravi maher!
That torte looks really good!
I made this torte and it is fantastic , here is the link
Many kisses from Romania !
Thank you so much for the recipe- -one of the best torte i've eaten :)
Love your site!
OMG..looks amazing.... what camera do you use? all of your recipes (photos) are so yummy!!! greetings from romania! alexandra
I also made this torte and it was really gooooood !!!!
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